St. Ambrose Parish Council
Mission Statement - "The Parish Pastoral Council will work with the Parish Priest and pastoral team, in leading the growth of St. Ambrose's Parish as a welcoming community of worship, spiritual richness, and service."
Current Approved Minutes
St. Ambrose Parish Pastoral Council Meeting
Minutes for October 22, 2024
7:30 p.m. Foyer Present: Fr. Ian, Deacon Peter, Dave Schaaf, Elizabeth Sutton, Lynne Schaaf, Harley Packer, Bonnie Sturm, Denise Roosen, Shelley Lohues, Leanne Plamondon, Kevin Kinahan
Not Available: Brent Christensen, Julie Landrie Deboer, Denis Cote, Greg Schmidt, and Marta Lopez
1. Opening Prayer – Father Ian led the group in prayer.
2. Approval of the Agenda
Motion: That the agenda be approved.
Moved – Denise, Seconded - Bonnie – CARRIED.
3. Approval of the Minutes of the meeting from September 24, 2024
Motion: That the Minutes be approved as submitted
Moved – Bonnie, Seconded – Denise - CARRIED.
4. Finance Report – Elizabeth - report attached
5. Pastor’s Report – Fr. Ian
a) Diocesan
Bishops visit – November 8-10
Father Ian is creating the schedule to meet with various groups, the schedule will be posted on the foyer bulletin board and distributed to groups
Will meet with PPC on Nov. 9 at 1pm
Bishop will be leading all Saturday & Sunday masses. Consider hospitality after Sunday 4pm mass.
b) Deanery
c) Parish
6. Deacons Report
November 18 – 1 year anniversary of his service
On November 17 will renew vows in front of Father Ian
On December 11 there will be a penitential service for the Lethbridge deanery at St. Ambrose
7. Old Business
a) Parish Pastoral Council Membership Update
No change – still hoping for interest from Marta and Julie.
b) Rectory (sale) Update
Elizabeth will talk to realtor on difference in market value with or without detached garage
Roof is being reshingled at a cost of $6000
Diocese has indicated 60/40% split between the parishes
c) Parish Renewal Team (PRT)
Survey report will be released October 26.
PRT will review and build a plan to move forward. PPC will incorporate into annual business plan and implement recommendations.
The renewal video will be shown at mass for the next 3-4 weekends
PRT is meeting this Saturday from 10 till 1 for a presentation of the survey results
7 members have signed up for the Personality Assessment
December 4-6 is the advent retreat that is focused on Parish Renewal
d) Crucifix Discussion
General discussion on understanding the need for the appropriate cross in the church.
There should be a cross of the crucified Jesus at the front of the church. The cross with the risen Jesus can be displayed as we exit the church.
Currently the cross (of the risen Jesus) is at the front. Vic Hepner built the split cross and the CWL purchased the body.
The cross that the liturgy committee is looking at would cost $600 US.
There is a need to educate the congregation on need for the change.
There could be an opportunity to repurpose a cross from another church. This would help with budgetary constraints. Shelley has checked with the diocese for a full crucifix but there is currently nothing available. We could extend the search beyond our diocese if we had the contact information.
e) Joint St. Ambrose/St. Catherine’s PPC meeting
Meeting will be on January 28, 2025. Will invite representation from St. Catherine’s.
There will be a brief meeting agenda, followed by a social.
Currently there is a Finance Committee but not a PPC at St. Catherine’s. The next Finance Committee is November 27. Elizabeth will talk about the intent of the joint PPC meeting to seek participants in the joint PPC meeting.
8. New Business
a) Terms of Reference – PPC Guidelines – carry for next meeting to November meeting
Do we need to adopt, after discussion & sign off as our TOR
9. Committee Reports
a) Finance Committee – report attached
b) Liturgy Committee – have not met since august 27, no report
c) Knights of Columbus – report attached
d) CWL – report attached
e) St. Joseph School – no report
f) Hall report – report attached
g) Pastoral Care – report attached
h) Building Maintenance
Snow clearing lists have been circulated
10. Closing Prayer – Father Ian led the group in prayer.
Next meeting will be November 26, 2024 at 7:30 pm.
November 26/24 – Lynne Schaaf
December 17/24 (social) – Bonnie Sturm
January 28/25 – Elizabeth Sutton (joint meeting with St. Catherine’s)
St. Ambrose Parish
Catholic Women’s League
Report for Parish Pastoral Council, October 2024
Hello everyone.
The end of September and the month of October, so far, has proven to be very busy. We ended off September with our annual Pie Bee. We made 100 pies and sold all of them making a net profit of $1,435. Everyone rose to the occasion, and we had a very productive morning.
The next day, 7 of us went to the Diocesan Fall Meeting at Assumption. We had a wonderful talk by Fr. Cristino. He was very inciteful and had us all rolling in the aisles at the same time.
The next weekend, 6 of us attended our Regional Meeting at St. Catherine’s. It was good to reconnect with our sisters from the region. We also had a planning meeting for our upcoming Diocesan Convention that will happen in early May in Lethbridge. Our council will be the hospitality crew.
We had our monthly meeting on the second Wed. of the month.
We served at our monthly commitment for the Lethbridge Soup Kitchen on the second Friday of the month.
We have been leading the rosary before every mass for this month. We also continue to lead the rosary every Monday morning at 10 am in the foyer.
We also just did our monthly hospitality for the parish after the morning Mass on the third weekend.
We have also started to sell raffle tickets for a quilt raffle. The quilts were donated by Jean Armstrong. They are beautiful and will be a nice addition to some people’s bedrooms. Our draw date will be December 15th.
Up and coming, we will be holding a bake sale after Masses on Nov.18th, which is our usual hospitality day. All proceeds will be going to Chalice to support nutrition and water initiatives. We will also be helping the Hall Committee with the turkey supper by making the stuffing for the dinner. We are also hoping to update our Funeral Pamphlet as prices have changed a lot since it was last done. Last, but not least, our region has an advent retreat coming up on Nov. 30th with the theme of Mary and Elizabeth – Waiting in Joyful Hope.
Autumn blessings to everyone!
Respectfully submitted
Lynne Schaaf
St. Ambrose Parish
Knights of Columbus Council 7082
Report for Parish Pastoral Council, Oct. 22, 2024
Submitted by
Kevin Kinahan,
Grand Knight – Council 7082
St. Ambrose Parish
Hall Committee
Report for Parish Pastoral Council, October 22, 2024
The last meeting was Tuesday October 15, 2024.
Kevin and Gord represented the Knights of Columbus to talk about the Hall Committee co-operation with the Fall Supper on Sunday November 24, 2024.
Tracey developed an advertising pamphlet for the hall to hand out at various church events.
Tracey is working with the Town of Coaldale on a large fund for the hall, possibly $600,000.00, towards the hall.
Discussed the Bishop’s Pastoral visit to our parish and meeting with the Bishop on Saturday November 9, 2024.
Submitted by,
Denise Roosen
Chair of the Hall Committee
St. Ambrose Parish
Finance Committee Report to PPC
October 22, 2024
Our bank balance to the end of August 2024 was $83,168.44. I did not have the breakdown of what belongs to the Hall fund.
To the end of August, there was $374,064.64 in our Central funds savings: $ 303,122.01 is for the hall fund, $16,088.49 is dedicated to our maintenance budget and there is $54,854.14 is in the main savings. Of the total amount, there is $262.43 for clergy Blue Cross coverage and $197.60 for GST receivables.
As previously noted, our donations from January to the end of August totaled $69,207.61an increase of $999.75 from the previous year. However, our overall income for the same time frame was $79,459.30 which is an increase of $1,603.29 from the previous year. Our total expenses for these months came to $96,483.67 an increase of $13,259.54 with equipment rental and auto expenses accounting for biggest increases. This leaves us with a net loss of 17,024.37.
I attended the Diocesan Finance budget planning meeting on October 15th. For the upcoming year, the Diocese uses a formula to determine our contributions to the Cathedraticum and TIA. We are to use 90% of a 3-year average to set up our budget for the year.
The Diocese also wants us to undergo an official Building Condition Assessment. As these assessments can run into the thousands of dollars in price, the Diocese will pay for 75% of the cost. We will need to have this assessment done before dedicating any funds to any specific area.
Respectfully submitted,
Elizabeth Sutton Finance Co Chair
St. Ambrose Parish
Pastoral Care Report for Parish Pastoral Council
October 22, 2024
Pastoral Care visits to the Sunny south Lodge have been curtailed since October 13 due to an outbreak as per AHS rules.
I have been in contact with the manager regarding having Mass at the Lodge November 8 with the Bishop. We will be able to meet in the alcove off the dining room instead of the tea room where we currently meet, as there is more room. Of course it will be contingent on potential outbreak issues.
We still visit 2 people in the Care Center and 1 person in their home if they are unable to get a ride to Mass.
Submitted by,
Bonnie Sturm, Pastoral Care Coordinator
St. Ambrose Parish Pastoral Council Meeting
Minutes for October 22, 2024
7:30 p.m. Foyer Present: Fr. Ian, Deacon Peter, Dave Schaaf, Elizabeth Sutton, Lynne Schaaf, Harley Packer, Bonnie Sturm, Denise Roosen, Shelley Lohues, Leanne Plamondon, Kevin Kinahan
Not Available: Brent Christensen, Julie Landrie Deboer, Denis Cote, Greg Schmidt, and Marta Lopez
1. Opening Prayer – Father Ian led the group in prayer.
2. Approval of the Agenda
Motion: That the agenda be approved.
Moved – Denise, Seconded - Bonnie – CARRIED.
3. Approval of the Minutes of the meeting from September 24, 2024
Motion: That the Minutes be approved as submitted
Moved – Bonnie, Seconded – Denise - CARRIED.
4. Finance Report – Elizabeth - report attached
5. Pastor’s Report – Fr. Ian
a) Diocesan
Bishops visit – November 8-10
Father Ian is creating the schedule to meet with various groups, the schedule will be posted on the foyer bulletin board and distributed to groups
Will meet with PPC on Nov. 9 at 1pm
Bishop will be leading all Saturday & Sunday masses. Consider hospitality after Sunday 4pm mass.
b) Deanery
c) Parish
6. Deacons Report
November 18 – 1 year anniversary of his service
On November 17 will renew vows in front of Father Ian
On December 11 there will be a penitential service for the Lethbridge deanery at St. Ambrose
7. Old Business
a) Parish Pastoral Council Membership Update
No change – still hoping for interest from Marta and Julie.
b) Rectory (sale) Update
Elizabeth will talk to realtor on difference in market value with or without detached garage
Roof is being reshingled at a cost of $6000
Diocese has indicated 60/40% split between the parishes
c) Parish Renewal Team (PRT)
Survey report will be released October 26.
PRT will review and build a plan to move forward. PPC will incorporate into annual business plan and implement recommendations.
The renewal video will be shown at mass for the next 3-4 weekends
PRT is meeting this Saturday from 10 till 1 for a presentation of the survey results
7 members have signed up for the Personality Assessment
December 4-6 is the advent retreat that is focused on Parish Renewal
d) Crucifix Discussion
General discussion on understanding the need for the appropriate cross in the church.
There should be a cross of the crucified Jesus at the front of the church. The cross with the risen Jesus can be displayed as we exit the church.
Currently the cross (of the risen Jesus) is at the front. Vic Hepner built the split cross and the CWL purchased the body.
The cross that the liturgy committee is looking at would cost $600 US.
There is a need to educate the congregation on need for the change.
There could be an opportunity to repurpose a cross from another church. This would help with budgetary constraints. Shelley has checked with the diocese for a full crucifix but there is currently nothing available. We could extend the search beyond our diocese if we had the contact information.
e) Joint St. Ambrose/St. Catherine’s PPC meeting
Meeting will be on January 28, 2025. Will invite representation from St. Catherine’s.
There will be a brief meeting agenda, followed by a social.
Currently there is a Finance Committee but not a PPC at St. Catherine’s. The next Finance Committee is November 27. Elizabeth will talk about the intent of the joint PPC meeting to seek participants in the joint PPC meeting.
8. New Business
a) Terms of Reference – PPC Guidelines – carry for next meeting to November meeting
Do we need to adopt, after discussion & sign off as our TOR
9. Committee Reports
a) Finance Committee – report attached
b) Liturgy Committee – have not met since august 27, no report
c) Knights of Columbus – report attached
d) CWL – report attached
e) St. Joseph School – no report
f) Hall report – report attached
g) Pastoral Care – report attached
h) Building Maintenance
Snow clearing lists have been circulated
10. Closing Prayer – Father Ian led the group in prayer.
Next meeting will be November 26, 2024 at 7:30 pm.
November 26/24 – Lynne Schaaf
December 17/24 (social) – Bonnie Sturm
January 28/25 – Elizabeth Sutton (joint meeting with St. Catherine’s)
St. Ambrose Parish
Catholic Women’s League
Report for Parish Pastoral Council, October 2024
Hello everyone.
The end of September and the month of October, so far, has proven to be very busy. We ended off September with our annual Pie Bee. We made 100 pies and sold all of them making a net profit of $1,435. Everyone rose to the occasion, and we had a very productive morning.
The next day, 7 of us went to the Diocesan Fall Meeting at Assumption. We had a wonderful talk by Fr. Cristino. He was very inciteful and had us all rolling in the aisles at the same time.
The next weekend, 6 of us attended our Regional Meeting at St. Catherine’s. It was good to reconnect with our sisters from the region. We also had a planning meeting for our upcoming Diocesan Convention that will happen in early May in Lethbridge. Our council will be the hospitality crew.
We had our monthly meeting on the second Wed. of the month.
We served at our monthly commitment for the Lethbridge Soup Kitchen on the second Friday of the month.
We have been leading the rosary before every mass for this month. We also continue to lead the rosary every Monday morning at 10 am in the foyer.
We also just did our monthly hospitality for the parish after the morning Mass on the third weekend.
We have also started to sell raffle tickets for a quilt raffle. The quilts were donated by Jean Armstrong. They are beautiful and will be a nice addition to some people’s bedrooms. Our draw date will be December 15th.
Up and coming, we will be holding a bake sale after Masses on Nov.18th, which is our usual hospitality day. All proceeds will be going to Chalice to support nutrition and water initiatives. We will also be helping the Hall Committee with the turkey supper by making the stuffing for the dinner. We are also hoping to update our Funeral Pamphlet as prices have changed a lot since it was last done. Last, but not least, our region has an advent retreat coming up on Nov. 30th with the theme of Mary and Elizabeth – Waiting in Joyful Hope.
Autumn blessings to everyone!
Respectfully submitted
Lynne Schaaf
St. Ambrose Parish
Knights of Columbus Council 7082
Report for Parish Pastoral Council, Oct. 22, 2024
- We will continue to support Youth Masses this year with snacks and drinks for the youth after mass. October youth mass had Halloween Donuts (mmmm). The next mass will be in December in which the Knights will help with a Christmas celebration for the youth at the school. Santa will even be joining us.
- The Knights will again be co-sponsors of the Fall Turkey Dinner. Turkey Dinner is scheduled for Sunday, Nov. 24 from 3-6pm at St. Joseph School. As mentioned previously, this will be an entire parish initiative. Many, many hands as we are expecting around 700 people.
- We will be planning some youth/family activities in the new year aimed at the youth but all family members will be invited.
Submitted by
Kevin Kinahan,
Grand Knight – Council 7082
St. Ambrose Parish
Hall Committee
Report for Parish Pastoral Council, October 22, 2024
The last meeting was Tuesday October 15, 2024.
Kevin and Gord represented the Knights of Columbus to talk about the Hall Committee co-operation with the Fall Supper on Sunday November 24, 2024.
Tracey developed an advertising pamphlet for the hall to hand out at various church events.
Tracey is working with the Town of Coaldale on a large fund for the hall, possibly $600,000.00, towards the hall.
Discussed the Bishop’s Pastoral visit to our parish and meeting with the Bishop on Saturday November 9, 2024.
Submitted by,
Denise Roosen
Chair of the Hall Committee
St. Ambrose Parish
Finance Committee Report to PPC
October 22, 2024
Our bank balance to the end of August 2024 was $83,168.44. I did not have the breakdown of what belongs to the Hall fund.
To the end of August, there was $374,064.64 in our Central funds savings: $ 303,122.01 is for the hall fund, $16,088.49 is dedicated to our maintenance budget and there is $54,854.14 is in the main savings. Of the total amount, there is $262.43 for clergy Blue Cross coverage and $197.60 for GST receivables.
As previously noted, our donations from January to the end of August totaled $69,207.61an increase of $999.75 from the previous year. However, our overall income for the same time frame was $79,459.30 which is an increase of $1,603.29 from the previous year. Our total expenses for these months came to $96,483.67 an increase of $13,259.54 with equipment rental and auto expenses accounting for biggest increases. This leaves us with a net loss of 17,024.37.
I attended the Diocesan Finance budget planning meeting on October 15th. For the upcoming year, the Diocese uses a formula to determine our contributions to the Cathedraticum and TIA. We are to use 90% of a 3-year average to set up our budget for the year.
The Diocese also wants us to undergo an official Building Condition Assessment. As these assessments can run into the thousands of dollars in price, the Diocese will pay for 75% of the cost. We will need to have this assessment done before dedicating any funds to any specific area.
Respectfully submitted,
Elizabeth Sutton Finance Co Chair
St. Ambrose Parish
Pastoral Care Report for Parish Pastoral Council
October 22, 2024
Pastoral Care visits to the Sunny south Lodge have been curtailed since October 13 due to an outbreak as per AHS rules.
I have been in contact with the manager regarding having Mass at the Lodge November 8 with the Bishop. We will be able to meet in the alcove off the dining room instead of the tea room where we currently meet, as there is more room. Of course it will be contingent on potential outbreak issues.
We still visit 2 people in the Care Center and 1 person in their home if they are unable to get a ride to Mass.
Submitted by,
Bonnie Sturm, Pastoral Care Coordinator